

Dr. Ingrid Roberson

Assistant Director, Research Learning

Dr. Ingrid Roberson serves as the Assistant Director of Research Learning, leading the i3 Data Research Learning Network (DRLN) for districts and schools. The DRLN is a facilitated statewide research learning network focused on transforming data and assessment practices through an innovative three-pronged approach: 1) Deeper Learning (instruction), 2) Data Review (innovation), and 3) Data Dashboard (impact). Before joining the CCEE team, Dr. Roberson was the Associate Superintendent of the Academic Services Division at the Alameda County Office of Education. She was also an Assessment Fellow with the California Department of Education during the initial implementation of California’s Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system.

Dr. Allan Taing

Senior Manager, Research & Impact Analysis

Allan Taing, Ph.D., serves as the Senior Manager of Research and Impact Analysis. In this role, Dr. Taing provides research, data analysis, program evaluation, data visualization, and database management support for the initiatives of CCEE's Innovation, Instruction, and Impact (i3) Center. He leads cycles of data-based inquiry and manages ongoing project development, evaluation, progress monitoring, and implementation activities.

Prior to joining the CCEE, Dr. Taing was on the faculty in the College of Education at California State University, Long Beach. There, he taught graduate-level courses for master’s and doctoral students, including TK-12 teachers, principals, and other school site administrators in the educational leadership doctorate program. He taught a wide range of topics, including research methods, statistics, program evaluation, survey design, strategic planning, and institutional effectiveness.

Dr. Taing has also served as a project director leading large-scale mixed-methods program evaluations for TK-12 and higher education initiatives funded by the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health. Prior professional experiences also include roles as an institutional research analyst, academic counselor, and public information officer.

Dr. Taing earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in educational psychology with a specialization in quantitative methods at the University of California, Riverside.

Dorcas Kong

Senior Specialist, Executive Projects

Dorcas Kong serves as the Senior Specialist of Executive Projects. Kong provides project management support for the Innovation, Instruction, and Impact (i3) Center, collaborating with internal and external partners to advance agency-wide and statewide initiatives.

Kong earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies with an emphasis in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego, with a minor in Education Studies, and a Master of Science degree in Education Policy from the University of Pennsylvania.